Friday, February 29, 2008

THE TITANIC by Mary Pope Osborne

The White Star Line Company built the Titanic in the early 1900s. The Titanic went to water on April 2, 1912. This ship had room for more than 2500 passengers. In the Titanic there was a lot food, drinks, coal and a lot of other things. In the Titanic there were 3 classes: 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class. Most of the children were on the 3rd class. There was a pool, 3 big dining rooms to eat and dance for all classes. When everybody was dancing another ship sent a warning that there was an iceberg. The other ship was sending and sending the warnings. Later the message man sent the warning to the captain of the Titanic, but it was too late. They hit the iceberg and the captain went to the bottom of the ship and suddenly there were 6 columns filled with water. The ship could only hold 4 columns with water. My favorite parts were the diagrams and photos with captions. To know what happened to the Titanic you need to read the book.
Przemek B.

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