Monday, April 7, 2008


Are you the type of person who goes for those mysterious action impact stories? Well if you are, then this story is for you! This book is about a detective named Nancy Drew and she has three best friends named, Bess, Ned, and Georgia. At the beginning of the story Bess, Ned, and Georgia went to meet Nancy at a diner but Nancy never showed up. So they called her cell phone on a pay phone and she never picked up. Upon returning to Nancy’s house they found the cleaning lady and Nancy’s dad. They asked if Nancy had stopped by, but she hadn’t so they looked for clues in Nancy’s room. Her cell phone and clothes that she was going to wear that day for a date were in the closet. After finding these facts, Bess, Ned, and Georgia jumped in the car to go look for Nancy because perhaps she was going to investigate a case at the museum. They were thinking that this was a case that they needed Nancy to help with, but they needed to find her first. Was Nancy found? Read the book to find out the rest and by the way, my favorite part was when Georgia, Ned, and Bess were looking for clues in Nancy’s room.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Did you ever think about what the meaning of life was? Well Jeremy Fink and his best friend Lizzy definitely were interested. The story is very complicated but I will briefly tell you about it. Jeremy and Lizzy have been best friends since they could remember. One day when they were coming back to their apartment, they found the mailman with a package for them. When they got the package they were interested of what was inside so they just had to open it. When they did, there was a wooden box that was beautifully made. On the box in carved letters was written, FOR JEREMY FINK TO OPEN ON HIS 13TH BIRTHDAY, CONTAINS THE MEANING OF LIFE. When his mom got home, he asked her where the box came from and she was very surprised to see that the box was there in the first place. When she explained, Lizzy and Jeremy asked why his dad who had died years ago would make such a box for him and where the keys are to open the box. The problem was that his dad's good friend the one who had the box all these years had lost the keys. Read this great book to see if Jeremy finds out what his dad had put in this box to explain what the meaning of life is, and why he did it in the first place.