Sunday, March 30, 2008

THE VAMPIRE By Darran Shan

A freak show stayed by a clearing near the banks of a river in the countryside. In this freak shows are: Evra, Darren, Mr. Crepsly, and the Wolf Man. There are many more characters like: Little Men, Michael, Danny, Hans Hands, Truska, Mr. Tall, Rhamus, Mr. Tiny and a lot more! The main problem of this story is that Reggie, a regular man becomes friends with Darren, a vampire. Reggie is all about Nature and animals, so when Reggie found out that the freak show kept the Wolf Man locked up, he set him free at the cost of his hands. This was also my favorite part. Friendship plays a very important role in “The Vampire’s Assistant”. If Darren hadn’t become friends with Evra, Sam, and Reggie, who knows what else could have happened? Another event is when Sam saves Darren’s life and in return, wants to join the freak show, which he can’t do. When Darren said no, Sam tried to stow away at the freak show but the freed Wolf Man spotted him and chased him into the woods toward an abandoned train station. Darren the vampire comes to the rescue, but can he save him? To find out what happened, you must read this book, I would highly recommend this book to all readers.

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