Tuesday, March 11, 2008

EYES OF THE EMPEROR By Graham Salisburg

Can you believe that in World War II Japan bombed the U.S.A.? Japanese soldiers who just joined up with the military were treated differently, afterward. 16-year-old Eddy Okubo joined the military. My favorite part was after Eddy joining the military and here it is when Eddy and his friend, Cobra, were assigned to check if Japanese soldiers would come up from the water and when they thought that a dark figure was a soldier they shot and in the morning they saw that it was a cow, it was hilarious. When they told Lt. Sweet he was laughing his head off and told them “I guess it was just a rumor.” When he told his father that Eddy joined the military, his father did not talk to him for several days. When Japan attacked the U.S.A, Eddy had to go to his post. When he did, Lieutenant Sweet told his partners, Cobra and Chik, to go to rest up and he would tell them what to do next morning. When they woke up Lt. Sweet told them that they had a secret mission that only the Japanese could do. Will the Japanese soldiers survive the mission or not?

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