Monday, March 3, 2008

THE MONUMENT by Garl Paulsen

If you like drawing or writing this is a great book for you to read! This book is about a girl named Rachel, A.K.A Rocky, who was living in an orphanage. She would always hope that someone would adopt her. She waited and waited. She knew the reason why she didn’t get adopted was because of her color and her stiff left leg. My favorite part of this book was when Rocky met a dog that would always chase the chickens in the coop. She asked her mom and dad to keep him and they said ‘”Yes”. She named him Python. When I started to read this book in the beginning it was boring but then when I kept reading it was getting good. I recommend this book to 6th graders because it’s a fun and loving book. If you want to find out what happens to Rocky ask Miss Brooker for a copy or get it from the media center. I’m sure you will love this book like I did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved this book! My favorite part was when Racheal got adopted. I was so happy for her that she finaly got a family. I thought nobody would adopt her, but she was lucky.
Erica G