Monday, March 3, 2008


Would you believe an evil man would take money from three homeless children? The book I read is A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy. In this book there are three orphans, 14 year old Violet, 12 year old Klaus, and 1 year old Sunny Baudelaire. They all have to live in a boarding school, but they are not allowed to live in the dormitory. One day along came two other orphans who have to live with them in the Orphans’ Shack, the Quagmire Triplets, Isadora, Duncan, and Quigy (who past away when he was born.) Then along came the evil man Count Olaf. Count Olaf disguised himself as a gym coach named Coach Genghis and tried once more to steal the Bauldelaire fortune. Coach Genghis put them through horrible S.O.R.E (Special Orphan Running Exercises) all night that caused them to be tired. After nine days of S.O.R.E the Quagmires came up with an idea to disguise themselves as Klaus and Violet, so that Klaus and Violet can study for their exams while the Quagmires run their laps. So the next day, after dinner the Quagmires took the Bauldelaire clothes and put them on so they could look like the actual Bauldelaires. If you want to know how this plan works out read the book A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy.

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