Friday, February 29, 2008

BIG WIN by Caleen Murtagh

Try to imagine having a mean brother, and a dad that loves that mean brother, a mom who is a drama queen, and even a neighbor who is a psycho. In the book Big Win that is Mack McGinnis life. He is desperately trying to impress his dad lately but is losing out to his brother. A pretty funny part was when he had a huge water balloon fight with his friends inside the house. The whole house, which they just bought, was a wet mess and it was his entire fault. He had to clean the whole house till it was sparkling clean. He had a bad day that day, but it was all going to change on the third Saturday in November, the day of the annual Turkey Trot in Danville Day. Will Mack McGinnis win, or lose to his brother again? READ THE BOOK TO FIND OUT.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked your book a lot and I wish i could read the book.Im very curious about Will Macks Mcginnis brother.