Thursday, February 28, 2008


Nick and Scott could hear their parents screaming at each other. There was a moment of silence and dad said “Do you want me to leave? Then fine I will.” The next thing they know Dad was walking out of the door, getting into his truck and leaving. It was exactly two weeks until basketball tryouts and Nick and Luke were practicing everyday. But Nick was practicing so much that he wasn’t concentrating on his grades so they fell dramatically. His mom said that he had to get his grades up so that from now on he had to be in at five o’clock. Tryouts were there and Nick’s grades were back up so he was ready to play. Nick made the team and was on the second string. After playing for a couple of games Nick was put on to the third string. The worst thing was that his bully, Trent, was on the third string too. Luckily Nick was able to make friends with him and they both practiced together and both made it back up to the first string. It was finally at the end of the season and the team was at the semi finals. But Trent’s brother was caught shooting someone. If you want to know what happens to Trent and the game read the book Night Hoops. My favorite part of this book was when Trent and Nick became friends because I never thought they could ever be friends and they once hated each other so much.
By Jackson S

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